Decorating your Sunday School Classroom can get expensive. Between bulletin boards, classroom games, puzzles, toys and circle time activities you can use up your budget pretty quick. Before you purchase anything, you might search around online to see what sorts of resources you can access for low cost or even free. Additionally,we have started up a collection of different Sunday School Resources you can freely use. You’ll find Bible Alphabet Charts,
Classroom Welcome Signs, Bible Story Boards, and Children’s Ministry Post Cards. These are all helpful resources you can use in your ministry and outreach programs.

Bible Alphabet Charts
We have a great set of printable alphabet charts you can use in your classroom. These are full-sheet printables, and you can
customize the size by changing your printer settings. You might want to make them half a sheet, or four to a sheet for flashcards.

Bible Verse Bookmarks
Customizable Bible verse bookmarks you can use as classroom handouts. Each bookmarks has space for weekly bible verse assignments as well as a space for a memory verse. This is a great way to encourage children to get into their Bible’s on a daily basis.

Bible Verse Printables
Free Bible Verse printables to coordinate with Seeds Family Worship music

Bible Timeline Printables
Over 25 different pages, filled with 200+ events from Biblical and World History. These cards are full color, ready to cut out and place in your assembled timeline. Children add in their own dates and notes for each event.

Sunday School Signs
We’ve got an entire page set up for our Classroom Welcome Signs. There is a different sign for each of the twelve months, so you can change them out as needed.

Sunday School Postcards
Postcards are a great way to stay in contact with your students! Children love to get things in the mail as well, and will begin to look forward to them! Additionally, you can use these cards for children to pass out to their friends they see at school as a personal invitation to join them in Sunday worship.

Sunday School StoryBoards
These are some full-page sized pictures you can use to retell common stories in the bible. These are fantastic to mount to construction paper and put the words of the story on the back. You can alter the print size of these to make sequencing cards children can use for review after your circle time story.