Teaching children about the story of Adam and Eve is important to develop an understanding of the sinful nature of mankind. While God created humans as perfect and sinless, he also gave personal choice to exercise obedience or disobedience. Living in a fallen world, as a sinful creature, even young children can learn and understand the need for a savior.
7 Days of Creation Coloring Book

Bible Coloring: Tree of Knowledge
This is a free Bible coloring page of the fruit for the tree of knoweldge of good and evil. Children can color a picture of that tree.

Bible Coloring: Snake Tempts Eve
Here is a coloring picture of the serpent entering the garden to deceive Eve. He tempts her to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Bible Coloring: Forbidden Fruit
A free Bible coloring page of half-eaten fruit. She then shares the fruit with her husband Adam. This is a coloring picture of a fruit that has been bitten into.

Bible Coloring: Hiding in the Garden
When God found them in the garden and asked what they had done, Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the snake. They are each given consequences for their disobedience.

Bible Coloring: Garden Gates
Adam and Eve have to leave the garden. This is a coloring picture of the two of them exiting in sadness.

Bible Coloring: A Promised Savior
God doesn’t hand out the consequences without providing hope for the future. He tells Adam and Eve of a promised
savior who will once again restore their relationship with God.
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