The Bible story of Noah’s Ark is a great lesson in obedience for children and adults alike. Noah found the Lord’s favor and did exactly as God desired, building a boat to house his family and many animals as well. This is also a great story for children to learn about God’s promises, as after the flood he places a rainbow in the sky and vows to never again flood the entire world.

Noah’s Ark Worksheets
Here are some printable bible worksheets with the Noah’s ark theme. There is a Noah’s Ark Crossword puzzle, a Word Search, and a Fill in the Blank with Quotation puzzle. These are available in
color, and if you need B&W, please print in grayscale.

Noah’s Ark Bible Coloring Pages
This is a set of Bible Coloring pages based on the story of Noah’s Ark, from Noah obeying God, to God’s rainbow promise.

Noah’s Ark Story Sticks
This is a set fo story stick figures for retelling the Noah’s Ark bible story. These make great visuals for younger children during storytime, as children can participate by holding each figure until it is time for that part of the story. Additionally, these make great center time activities for children to play with during free time.

Noah’s Ark Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for Noah’s Ark, as recorded in Genesis 6-9. The story starts with the wickness of mankind to God’s promise with a rainbow.

Noah’s Ark File Folder Game
This is a file folder game for children working on early multiplication skills. Children solved the equations on the
rainbows and match them to the correct ark. These go up to 2 x 12, but there are blank versions for you to extend this game if you need.

Noah’s Ark Cursive Handwriting Worksheet
N is for Noah Bible Handwriting Page. Children practice the upper and lowercase cursive letter N and color in the picture of Noah.

Noah’s Ark Bible Verse Tracing Pages
Here are some tracer pages for children who are ready to begin tracing letters. These make great take home sheets for children to work on handwriting skills as well.

Noah’s Ark Bible Verse Copywork
Here are some copywork pages for children to learn the bible verse Genesis 9:15b-17, in which God describes his covenant with the earth and it’s creatures.

Bible Timeline Cards: Noah’s Ark
This is a set of bible timeline sequencing cards for children to retell the story of Noah’s Ark as recorded in Genesis 6-9.
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