The Bible story of Abraham is a great lesson on God’s Promises for children and adults alike. Abraham had so much belief and faith in the Lord that he was credited with Righteousness. Though Abraham has his ups and downs, he is a great man to study and learn from, and children of all ages enjoy reading about this important biblical patriarch. We have some wonderful supplemental materials you can use in your homeschool or Sunday school classroom. Below you’ll find storytelling visuals, coloring pages, timeline resources, mini-books, crafts, file folder games and more.
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd Jones

Abraham Bible Coloring Pages
Here are some black and white versions of the bible storyboard set. You can print these as coloring pages if you want to provide
children with a simple activity after storytime.

Abraham Bible File Folder Game
This is a game for children to review key facts about Abraham. Children move their player each time they answer a question correctly.

Abraham Bible Timeline
Children can put some of the momentous parts of Abraham’s life
into order with these bible timeline printables. These coordinate with all of our timeline printables, and a great for story sequencing activities.

Friend of God Bible Craft
This is a bible craft you can use alongside your Abraham bible lessons. Children make their own “I am a friend of God” crowns to wear through out the day.

Abraham Bible Verse Copywork
Here is a printable worksheet for children to practice their beginning cursive skills. Younger children can trace the words, older children can copy the words onto their own paper.

Abraham Bible Minibook
This is a bible minibook that tells the story of God’s promise to Abram, to give him a son and make him the father of many nations, Our printable bible minibooks make fantastic tools for your children’s ministry lessons. See this page for assembly instructions.

Friend Acrostic
This is a great take home worksheet for children to learn more about Abraham, and why he was called God’s friend in James 2:23. Encourage children to thing of an important quality of friendship for each letter of the word. What does it mean to be a friend of God?

Abraham Notebooking Pages
We are learning all about the life and times of Abraham and his descendants. You can find the different notebooking printables we are using on our personal homeschool website

Abraham Preschool Printables
We have lots of fantastic Abraham bible printables on our sister site, ChristianPreschoolPrintables.com These are great if you have younger children in your classroom as well.