The story of Abraham is a wonderful story of God’s promise and provision. Abraham was not a perfect man but we learn that he was credited with righteousness because of his Faith in the one true God. This is a great story for children to learn, and we’ve made resources you can use here.
God’s Promise to Abraham Craft Kit

Abraham’s Tent Bible Coloring Page
Here is a bible coloring page of a tent
for children to color alongisde a bible
lesson on Abraham.

Abraham Travels Bible Coloring Page
The Lord promised land to Abraham and his descendants.
This bible coloring page shows grassy hills, trees and a river.

God’s Promise to Abraham
Here is a set of colorful full size printables you can use to retell the
story of Abraham to your children. Mount these to construction paper and glue your story to the back.

Abraham Entertains Angels
Here is a set of colorful full size printables you can use to retell the story of Abraham to your children. Mount these to construction paper and glue your story to the back.

Baby Issac is Born Bible Coloring
Baby Isaac is born, just as God promised! Sarah and Abraham
have their first baby in such an old age, and he is named Isaac, which means, “Laughter.”

Abraham is Tested Bible Coloring Page
Here is a bible coloring page of Abraham leading his son Isaac up the mount to be sacrificed to the Lord. This is such an emotional story and goes great with the coloring page below showing that God will provide the sacrifice.

God Provides a Ram
This is a bible coloring page depicting Abraham ready to sacrifice his son Isaac, when the Lord stops him and provides a ram to take his place. This is a wonderful story that foreshadows God’s plan of salvation.
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