So what exactly is a Bible minibook? It’s basically a small printable booklet that you can use as a teaching, or outreach tool in your ministry. Each minibook is printed on one single sheet of paper, and then folded up in such a way that it creates turnable pages. We’ve put together a step by step photo illustration for how to assemble our Bible minibooks here. We have many different Bible Minibooks available. You can find Bible Story Minibooks which include short adapted Bible stories. We also have Bible Verse Minibooks, which take children through the memorization of key Bible Verses.

Creation Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for the days of paraphrased to explain the different days. You can also print up a blank version if you’d like your child to fill in the information or need a different language.

Adam & Eve Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for Adam and Eve. The story starts with the command God gave them, and ends with his promise to send a savior.

Noah’s Ark Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for Noah’s Ark, as recorded in Genesis 6-9. The story starts with the wickness of mankind to God’s promise with a rainbow.

Easter Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for retelling the Easter Story. This is based off of Matthew 28, and tells the basic story of Jesus’s resurrection.

Parable of the Sower Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for The Parable of the Sower, as Jesus told it in Matthew 13:3-9. Children can read about how the farmer sowed his seeds and what happened when they landed in various places. This is a great topic for Spring!

The Lord’s Prayer Bible Minibook
This is a bible verse minibook for children to work on bible memorization of the Lord’s Prayer. Taken from Matthew 6, this is a great verse for children to work on!

Psalm 23 Bible Minibook
This is a bible verse minibook for children to work on bible memorization of the twenty third psalm.

Daniel in the Lion’s Den Bible Minibook
This is a bible story minibook for the days of Creation. The text from Genesis 1 is written and paraphrased to explain the different days. You can also print up a blank version if you’d like your child to fill in the information.
I sponsor a child that lives in Guatemala with a Christian organization.
I have sent her Bible story mini books, but I print out the ones with no words and write the words in her language.
Do you have a resource for the printables with only pictures, no words?
Thank you for these mini Bible books – they are great for young kids. Do you also have a downloadable color version? At this stage, my 2-year old’s idea of colouring is scribbling over everything. Just thought I’d check – thanks!
Beautiful and easy!
how do you fold the mini books your link to it isn’t working. Thanks Sandra
I was going to ask the same thing. 🙁
Do you have a mimi book of Abraham
I can not find the instructions for folding the mini-books. Please tell me where I’m missing it.
To fold the mini book
1 fold the paper in half bringing 11″ edges together to make it 81/2 by 51/2
2. Fold it in half again bringing 81/2 edges together
3.fold 1 more time to make an approx 2×4 rectangle.
4 unfold 2 folds so it’s in half again
5 cut from center to fold line (about a 2 and 2/3″ cut
6 unfold and push the pages together as it’s folded in the long rectangle 4x 11
The directions were very helpful!
Is there a Bible minibook for the birth of Jesus? This is a new site to me so I’m not sure if there is more than one place to look.
I like using the mini books like story sequencing cards. I print 1 or 2 copies on card stock and have the kiddos work on teams to tell the story. If there is time left during our Sunday school , I try to have the older kids tell the story to the younger kiddos.
Do you have the Ten Commandments in a mini book?
Could you please provide instructions on how to fold your mini books?
Thank you so much for these very useful mini book for Sunday school kids I personally want to thank you because the place I’m from hasn’t much resource to use and of-course you made easy .God bless you Abundantly with the knowledge and ideas from heaven . Thank you once again
what a lovely idea! May God continue to bless your work!