Learning the books of the Bible doesn’t have to be hard! With our resources and suggested links you’re sure to find easy ways you can encourage your students to commit these 66 books to memory. Here is a helpful list of the Books of the Bible as well as Books of the Bible Worksheets and Books of the Bible Flashcards.
One of the quickest ways to memorize them, is to put them to song! My own children memorized the books using this free Books of the Bible Song by The Bigsby Show.

Books of the Bible BINGO Game
This is a set of printable Bible Bingo cards for the books of the Bible. There are 6 different cards so you’ll need to print up a variety of them for larger groups. Each card is a different color to help you mix them up!

Bible Basics Word Search
This is a word search for children to work on basic facts of the bible (how many books, first and last book…ect)

Bible Basics Crossword
This is a crossword puzzle for children to work on basic facts of the bible (how many books, first and last book…ect)

Bible Basics Word Scramble
This is a word scramble for children to work on basic facts of the bible (how many books, first and last book…ect)

Books of the Bible Bookmarks 1
These are bookmarks that have the entire list of books of the Bible. Available in two different colors these make fantastic study aids and gifts for children to take home. Print on cardstock and lamniate for best results.

Books of the Bible Bookmarks 2
These are bookmarks that have the entire list of books of the Bible. Available in two different colors these make fantastic study aids and gifts for children to take home. Print on cardstock and lamniate for best results.
Route 66: A Trip through the 66 Books of the Bible, Grades 2 – 5
Have fun with faith using Route 66: A Trip through the 66 Books of the Bible for grades 2–5! In this 192-page book, children are part of the story as they embark on a road trip through each of the 66 books of the Bible. The lessons are divided into three 12-week units, are flexible enough to serve as stand-alone supplemental material, and cover each book’s author, era, theme, and key verse. View Sample Pages