Christmas is a great time to teach children about grace, forgiveness, and the sovereignty of God. Children love to hear the birth story of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and you can send them home with an everlasting message of hope and salvation. Even if you have a young group of children, consider putting on a short skit or story time for the parents.
Try it: Printable Christmas Story Wheel!

Mary’s Good News Bible Coloring
here is a coloring page of the angel telling Mary the good news that she is with child, and will give birth to a baby boy!

Road to Bethlehem Bible Coloring
Here is a coloring page of Mary and Joseph as they travel to Bethlehem. Joseph walks with his staff in hand, and Mary rides atop the donkey.

No Room at the Inn Bible Coloring
This is a coloring page of a moonlight sky, and an open
barn for Mary and Joseph to stay in.

Manger Nativity Scene Bible Coloring
A fantastic coloring page for children, Mary is holding Jesus
swaddled up. Joseph looks at them excitedly, and the manger animals are looking at the newborn King!

Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus
Here is a coloring page depicting the shepherds and they’re visit to the manger to see the baby Jesus.

Wise Men and Baby Jesus Bible coloring
Here is a picture of the wise men pointing to a star that resides over baby Jesus.
These Nativity Masks are quick & easy!
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